I honestly find this picture so powerful.

3/19/2013 11:04:47 pm

I completely agree with the picture, it is a powerful message and true too.

3/22/2013 12:27:06 am

That is true!! I have this picture saved on my phone 💁

Brittany Wilson
3/24/2013 10:25:53 am

That is so true and I find the picture powerful also because people "help you " in life but they really don't its more of a cover

4/14/2013 12:48:07 pm

This is powerful picture. I see a possible connection to that saying about giving a person a fish (so that they can eat for a day) or giving them a fishing rod (so that they can eat for a lifetime). Perhaps we often try to help people in the easiest way possible. As a teacher, I feel like I am guilty of that because I rush around class trying to make sure people are on task, but I don't stop enough and take the time to help people properly (ie) I shout at them instead of providing them with a ladder.

Eric Wilson
4/24/2013 12:38:39 am

This is a truly powerful picture. It kinda relates to people who pretend to be your friends. They lead you on which in this picture refers to the person lending out a hand when they have a ladder right beside them


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