Watching that video kind of scared me.  You spend your high school career picking certain courses to get you to where you wanna be in the future.  You save up a lot of money so one day you can pay for university or collage.  You spend all that time sitting at home or in the library studying for you exams so you can finally put all your hard work into something that you really want.  But now it's a year later and you find yourself still sitting at home searching for a job.  It's a little scary to think that you spend the majority of your life in school sort of "training" for you life ahead, just to be left with nothing.  I myself would like to work somewhere in  the medical field, but with all this new technology being developed to get certain jobs done, makes me wonder if there will even be any opportunities for me one day to start a career.
5/5/2013 10:50:31 am

Thomas: I also found it a little scary and think most students would. But of course depending on the career you look to pursue it is worst for others and not so much of a big deal for some. Now in your post you specified you would like to pursue a career somewhere into the medical field; I think that great except but one problem so many other people say the same making there a lot of competition so unless you go work in another country it might be challenge for you to get a job but that is just my opinion. Also your hole post is in italics just saying.

5/5/2013 11:54:31 pm

I made it in italics.....


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