1. The state of being completely forgotten or unknown
For every person alive now, 14 have died. It’s scary, isn’t it? 14 lives forgotten. 14 stories left untold. After we pass the most we can hope for is three generations of remembrance. There is nothing more heart-wrenching for me than to think about it, being average just doesn’t cut it. The only ones eternally memorialized are those who are evil, and those who are angelic. I have spent my fair share of time contemplating these numbers and ideas and I have reached a conclusion. I can’t let myself worry about things that are so far out of my control. As long as I make an impact on one life—change the future of one individual, I have done something with my life. Sure it’s not the glorification we all secretly hope for, but it’s *Something*. With a capital ‘S’

Brittany Wilson
3/14/2013 12:47:22 pm

Thoes thoughts can really scare a person . There really is so much out there that we don't know about


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