
“It’s a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing.”

4/14/2013 10:57:35 pm

Deep dude... Deep... So deep that i don't truly understand how deep it is...

Brittany JHSS
4/14/2013 11:02:50 pm

I appreciate that you quoted Augustus Waters. The Fault In Our Stars made me cry buckets. John Green will forever be my king and my saviour for novels, ruling beside J.K. Rowling.

6/17/2013 10:22:58 am

Glad to know someone else has read the book and can also understand

4/16/2013 07:48:45 am

Hmmm....I get it...you are saying that is all in our power...we make decisions that can kill...it is all in our hands....our whole life is based on the decisions we make....

4/29/2013 01:35:42 am

Interesting quotation (not quote; pet peeve of my English teacher last year). I'm not sure if I completely understand it, but maybe that's part of what makes these sorts of things interesting: they often depend on the perspective of the reader.


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